The mission of the BEC
The Belgian Electrotechnical Committee has a clear mission to its target groups but also to the outside world.
This mission consists of the following assignments:
- to inform Belgian electrotechnical companies, government bodies and citizens about standards and standardisation practice in the relevant domains (centre of expertise)
- to create awareness among companies about how influencing and applying standardisation can be a powerful tool to realize technical and financial corporate objectives
- to facilitate companies' participation in the standardisation process through technical committees
- to advise and support standards users in their application of published standards
- to provide efficient and paid access to standards and standard related documents
- to ensure mutual communication between Belgian, European and global standardisation activities

As a member of both IEC and CENELEC, CEB-BEC is active in various governing body groups, such as the General Assemblies and other corporate advisory bodies when appropriate.
IEC: International Electrotechnical Committee (international)
CENELEC: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (Europe)
The BEC is also a nationally recognized member of NBN as a sectoral standardization operator for electrical engineering and electronics.
NBN: Bureau for Standardisation (Belgium)
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