Working together on the electrotechnics and electronics of tomorrow.

Technical committee meetings for the coming months within the BEC.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Technical Officer.

How and in which technical committee can you as an expert work with us?
If you don't want to leave standards development to other parties (including your competitors), you can actively participate in a technical committee and contribute to the final standard. Standardisation is a complex process of consensus decision-making. Your constructive contribution can influence but by definition not predict the outcome.
It is wise, therefore, to ask yourself some pertinent questions like these:
- What expertise do I bring to this particular subject in view of my company strategy?
- Who are the other players in this matter?
- How real is the influence I can exert on behalf of my company, and where specifically can I add value?
- What is the exact investment of time and money involved?
- What precisely do I hope to achieve within the context of this standard?

We are active in several domains
Electropedia: The World's Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary
Electropedia (also known as the "IEV Online") is produced by the IEC, the world’s leading organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies – collectively known as “electrotechnology”.

INCERT a quality label managed by the BEC
Since 2002 INCERT has been the ultimate quality label for building protection and vehicle theft.
INCERT, managed by the BEC, is a quality brand on a voluntary basis that brings the different actors together and is supported by these actors. These actors are insurers, specialized engineering offices, professional associations of manufacturers, distributors and installers as well as certification bodies.
The BEC, as sectoral operator for the commission 79 “Alarm systems”, has placed this under commission 79.

Overview of purely Belgian standards
Most of the electrotechnical standards are written European and international, but there are still some Belgian standards that are still in use.