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Dries Vanoost also wanted to share his experience as a Young Professional in San Francisco.


Dries Vanoost: "I'm grateful to have been selected by the Belgian National Committee of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) to represent one of the two Belgians in the Young Professionals Program. This excellent program occurred during the 86th IEC General Meeting in San Francisco. We witnessed how international standardization and conformity assessment are being shaped as the next-generation experts and leaders in the electrotechnical industry. The experience I shared with the other Young Professionals (YPs), YPs with different ideas, perspectives, and takes on subjects, led to phenomenal results. This close interaction has led to a fostering of a new set of people with like-minded beliefs. It was an unforgettable experience to be one of 85 young professionals from 46 countries participating in the week-long program. This program involved several panel sessions of IEC board members, previous YPs and technical committee leaders. The 'Standard in a day' workshop introduced the YPs to developing a standard and working towards consensus during this process. This was followed by the Conformity assessment workshop showing how to implement a standard. At the end of the week, the YPs presented their brainstorming results at the General assembly meeting, which received high praise and interest. I will keep this occasion close to my heart for all the lessons learned and the people I met that week. Special thanks to the BEC, IEC for all of the support and making this opportunity possible for me and especially to the organizers at IEC with Aristea Kyriakati head of Affiliate Countries and Membership Programs for their efforts and coordination."

Picture from left to right: Dirk De Moor, Hendrik Deleye and Dries Vanoost

YP2022 SF2